Stretch Mark Reduction

How Does The Stretch Mark Reduction Treatment Work?

Imagineux have developed a completely unique and innovative therapy leveraging the skin rejuvenation capabilities of radio frequency technology to achieve remarkable progress in the battle being fought by many people to get rid of stretch marks.

The Stretch Mark Reduction Treatments apply focused multi-polar radio frequency to precisely target and heat the collagen fibres within the treated area. The angry red stretch marks that many people are left with after childbirth or sudden weight gain and / or weight loss are a result of the connective tissues within the dermis being ruptured, overstretched and not re-forming correctly.

Unlike older RF-only technologies, such as Accent and Thermage, which are unable to accurately target the treatment area, Sussex Laser Lipo utilise carefully controlled multi-polar RF technology to deliver focused RF energy into the dermal tissues of the treated area. This causes the following effects :-

  • Existing collagen tissues shrink, providing an immediate tightening and plumping effect.
  • Old, fibrous collagen is denatured and broken down by the body.
  • Fibroblasts (the cells that create new collagen) are stimulated to create new, fresh, supple collagen.
  • This new, well-organised and structured collagen provides a more supple connective layer, which allows inflammation of the surface tissues to subside, thereby reducing the appearance of stretch marks.

Why does this get rid of stretch marks?

Technically speaking, no treatment can truly get rid of stretch marks. However, our groundbreaking unique treatment protocols are able to significantly reduce the appearance of stretch marks, changing them from angry red lines, to a barely noticeable silvery appearance.

A cooling gel is applied to the treatment area, then the Stretch Mark Reduction treatment commences. The multi-polar RF technology generates heat in the subcutaneous layer, causing the existing active collagen to contract, delivering immediately tighter feeling skin.

The RF energy also selectively denatures (breaks down) the old, inflexible collagen and stimulates the re-growth of fresh, healthy and flexible collagen fibres. With successive treatments, this cumulative effect will deliver long lasting results!

The laying down of fresh, new collagen fibres results in skin remodeling, taking place over 3-6 months and lasting up to two years, although “top up” treatments every 6-9 months can prolong this effect.

End Result

The volume of collagen increases in a more organised structure. This reduces the appearance of stretch marks, whilst also delivering a more supple, smoother and even tone to the skin.